Friday, 16 September 2011

A perfect storm? Economic, social and political issues facing young citizens

Ka mihi, warm greetings,

Shortly after the English summer riots of 2011, but before Indigados and Occupy Wall street movements really took off-I was asked by Radio New Zealand's Kathryn Ryan about some of the economic, environmental and social challenges facing young New Zealanders and their global peers.

I attach the link to that interview in case it is helpful

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Christchurch earthquake and resilient youth citizenship

Unable to travel in the wake of Christchurch's earthquake and its devasting aftershocks of 22 February (but before the horrific Japanese earthquake and tsunami of March 2011) I recorded this You Tube talk for the Resilience 2011 conference, Arizona State University 11-16 March.

It is about the principles of youth citizenship and resilience in the face of dangerous environmental change.

youtube site (12 mins)

My thoughts are with friends in Japan and Asia Pacific tonight. Bronwyn

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Good news

Well we've been very quiet on posts- but a lot happening behind the scenes- the happy news is I just signed with Earthscan-Routledge publishers for a book on children, citizenship and the environment and citizenship-near the time of the Rio Earth Summit meeting- will keep you posted, Bronwyn Hayward